Intro Scene Drawing
Intro Scene

Character Design 2

Food Scene
Final Animation- "Dinner- The Descent of Man"

I started my Master's Degree in Sequential Design & Illustration at Brighton University in September 2021. The aim was to improve my animation and book-making skills, whilst exploring the realms of folklore within my own local Guernsey culture. The Visual Narrative project was the first part of the year, where I interpreted Ursula K. Le Guin's "Carrier Bag Theory of Fiction" and focused on the greed of Man. The Second part of this course, was the Major Project, where I created a book and animation on Guernsey Folklore as a way to preserve this lesser-known culture within the modern-day. This included looking at Monuments, Characters and Superstitions from my own local lore within book-making and animation.
Intro Scene Drawing
Intro Scene
Character Design 2
Food Scene
Final Animation- "Dinner- The Descent of Man"